Jumat, 20 November 2009


tadinya gw mau pake nama lengkapnya..tapi takutnya di google trus dia baca post ini hihi namanya depannya philip sih ato phil gw ga tau.. hihi yaudah thats not what i want to talk abt..
actually,im writing this post to inform all of you that i might not be coming back to raffles (Y) well in fact im damn happy,i dont want to go back =.= life sucks there.. this new principal makes everything better like for example..
this..was designed for our new uniform,well we'll change it because our new principal said it's probably better without tie or jacket,he wants something like polo shirt and jeansss!!

trus kita juga bakal punya free clothing day on fridays,and cooking class,and new basketball rim (psssttt he was a basketball coach)
in fact we all like him,the first time i met him was like im walking home,goin to the lift and i met him and suddenly he said "hey come here" and then he raise his hand for high five so i high five-d him hahah and i was like..is he a freak? but then hes better now (Y)
what else?hmm he consideres every suggestion we make (Y) that is also good
well thats all,i'll tell u later :) bye bloggers

Minggu, 15 November 2009

papaku bikin bukuuu

bokap gw baru bikin buku nih..judulnya rahasia kerajaan Allah kalo ga salah,nanti gw kasi liat deh gambarnya..sekarang gw mau tidur duluuu..bye bloggerssss

Senin, 09 November 2009

screw homeworksss

hi everyoneeee

im sooo tiredd now,ive been doing the same homework for 2 days,and still until now its not finished..its just,we havent learn about it and suddenly we were given these ridiculous questions that are impossible to answer by me =.= its good enough that i have been researching and making summaries not copy pasting (although i did copy pasted on number 4,but that is definitely because im stress alreadyyy) some people in my class copy pasted all the way =.= but then i dont care,i think i’ll just go walk to the teacher and say “eat this!” well that is the rough way..or that is just in my mind, in the polite way i’ll say “sir,i can’t do it..its not completed..well at least i did some” i really hope that he would understand and he dont preach on me..

ps.im watching so you think you can dance hahah

Rabu, 04 November 2009

new nickname =.=

at raffles,i have many nicknames,from peche,pechentong,pau ato apalah..well not as many as sukyi’s or steven’s sih hihi tapi here at cambridge somehow i have this new nickname =.= “ketek”

Selasa, 03 November 2009

late night boredom

itssss 2.37 in the morningggg i cant sleep

i played viwawa,pet soc,farmville and now im watching tv and holding guitar like i can play =.= and stil i cant sleeeeppp what to doo? im so bored

well i’ll just share stories deh abt my homeworks =.=

so basically i was planning to stay up because of doing homework..bio homework

pake indo deh

like last week,kelas gw di kasi assignment suruh bikin book report yang udah cukup bikin gw ga enak ati kalo belom ngerjain.. assignment nya ga sembarangan,kita harus nulis 1000 kata =.= well ga sebanding kyk anak geo di raffles yang di suruh bikin 5000 words hihi

nah trus jumat ato kamis kemaren kita dikasi pr lagi sama si india,suruh jawab 9 questions trus each mesti 200 words..due today =.= yaudah lah gw cape males gw peduli amat..doain aku ya teman2 semoga aku  berhasil melewati india :)