Jumat, 04 Desember 2009


gw post blog ini karna gw baru menyadari gw kena insomnia,hmm udah semingguan sih..tapi gw ga suka aduh sebel bgt malem malem sendiri melototin laptop sama tv nyala berharap bisa tidur tapi ga bisa.
jadi gw kyk google insomnia trus gejala gejala nya ada laaaahhh:
nih deh gw copy paste aja :P 
  • Have trouble falling asleep. This can mean lying in bed for up to an hour or more, tossing and turning, waiting to fall asleep.
  • Wake up and have trouble falling back to sleep.
  • Wake up too early in the morning.
  • Feel tired when they wake up, like they didn't get enough sleep.
  • Feel grouchy, sleepy, or anxious, and be unable to get things done during the daytime.

gw sih dari itu 5,cuma yang pertama sama ke 4 doang tapi yaudah lah kira kira kan begitu..trus katanya kalo mau sembuh in dengan cara yang natural itu disuruh meditasi =.= meditasi opo toh =.=
trus disuruh olahraga juga!gw jalan berapa langkah aja males apalagi disuruh olahraga =.= trus disuruh macem macem deh nih

  1. Ensure that the room you sleep in has adequate ventilation and is peaceful.
  2. Do a small prayer before retiring to reduce stress.
  3. Reading good, inspiring books will help you sleep better.
  4. Two drops of sesame/castor oil applied to foot and eyelids will make you sleepy.
  5. A blue colored bed lamp will calm the brain and induce peaceful sleep.
  6. Certain classical music ragas like Bhairavi can work wonders on hard core insomniacs.
  7. Soak your feet in warm water for ten minutes before retiring.
  8. Take deep breaths. With each breath you inhale, smile and imagine you breathe in happiness and positive energy, and with each outgoing breath imagine you are exhaling stress, worries and tension.
oh iya trus katanya juga tidur di bawah jam 10 =.= tadi udah tidur dibawah jam 10 kok tapi jam 9 bangun :P 
aaaahh gw ga bisa tidurrrr untungnya sih besok libur tapi kan tetep ajaaaaa :(
bye bloggers

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